Compiling from Source

Get Pony

Jylis is written in the Pony programming language, so you’ll need to install a working Pony compiler using a method appropriate to your platform. It’s generally best to use the latest “bleeding edge” master branch of the Pony compiler, or at least the latest stable release.

Get Stable

Jylis uses a dependency manager for Pony called Stable to fetch and manage Pony libraries, so you’ll also need to install it as well.

Clone & Build

Once you’ve got access to ponyc and stable in your development environment, you’re ready to clone the Jylis source code to your machine and compile it.

git clone
cd jylis
stable fetch

After doing so, you should be the proud new owner of a compiled Jylis binary, sitting at bin/jylis in the project directory.

Run Tests

If you want to work on hacking some changes into Jylis, you’ll want to be able to run the test suite. You can do so by running make test in the project directory where you cloned the source code. Note that you’ll need to have run stable fetch first to fetch any missing or outdated libraries.

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